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Saturday, October 24, 2015



Artemis is the daughter of Zeus and Leto, the twin sister    of Apollo. Born on the island of Ortygia (Delos). Artemis is the goddess of chastity, natural environment, the hunt, the moon, and virginity. Artemis rejects love and  marriage, and is devoted to nature and hunting. She is protector of the hunt and nature. Both tamed and untamed animals are under her protection. She even is protector of animal herding and agriculture. Artemis is in many myths but I will not talk about them for school purposes.

Friday, October 23, 2015



Apollo is the son of Zeus and Leto. He has a twin sister, Artemis. Apollo also has a son by the name, Asclepius. Apollo is the god of music, poetry,medicine, and healing. At the same time Apollo could set a plague or bring diseases, using his arrows. Apollo was worshiped on the island of Delos. The island was actually dedicated to his twin sister, Artemis. Apollo is also referred to as Phoebus, Apollon.His animal is a dolphin and his holy tree is a Laurel.




Aphrodite is a Greek goddess. She is the goddess of love and beauty. She has a magical girdle that forces people to her desire. There are  many accounts on how she was born. One of the accounts was, she was the daughter of Dione and Zeus. In another myth is that she was born by the island of Cytherea. Her symbol is a dove carrying a peace of an olive plant in their mouth.