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Monday, May 9, 2016


Image result for english spelling test


Okay so lets take a moment to think about those horrible spelling test. I know right there so hard. I don't know about you but I'm one of the worst spellers on EARTH. I'm being for real today I tried to spell motion and it came out moton. So here are some tips for all the bad spellers.

  1. Try singing the letters into a song, like the song about the dog named bingo.
  2. Practice spelling your words with the teacher or friend.
  3. Try making it into a fun game like if you spell the word right you get a free move.
  4. Or if your school allows gum chew a flavor you normally don't chew while you studying then during the test chew the same flavor science proves gum triggers you'r memory and helps you remember.

Monday, May 2, 2016


      Languages you have probably never herd of

                 Hey guys today I'm going to talk about some languages you have probably never heard of that you need to hear.

    Image result for earth
  • Turkish. Turkish is a language that is not well known. the country that Turkish comes from is Turkey. Turkey has many astonishing artifacts and buildings you need to see.
  • Arabic. Arabic is a language well known in the Middle East. Almost all of the countries in Middle East speak a type of Arabic, but yet they know what each other is saying no matter what.
  • Dravidian languages are a language spoken by Southern Indian families in India. About only 20% of Indians speak this language.
  • Hungarian is Hungary's official language some people don't know this because they think Hungary is a word that means you need food. Or because they don't know Hungary is a country located by Austria and Romania.